Summer season 2024

Liptov is a magnet for lovers of nature, hiking, cycling, castles and water parks. There really is a lot to choose from. You will definitely not be bored with your family here. You can visit Aquapark Tatralandia, which is very popular with tourists, Aquapark Gino Paradise Bešeňová or Vital park Lúčky. These so-called water paradises are located near the apartments, so it is very easy to get to them.

Cycling is a very popular sport recently. If you have also fallen into this hobby, you will definitely find something to suit you. Our area offers many options for cycling routes for both beginners and advanced cyclists. Just choose the right route and go. Your bikes will definitely be safe in the Riviera Apartments**, so you don't have to worry about them at night.

For those who like walks in beautiful nature, like to visit interesting monuments or are not afraid to go uphill for a beautiful view, we can warmly recommend Prosiecka Dolina, Oravský Podzámok, Likava Castle, Vlkolínec Skanzem, the ancient seat of the Celts Havránok, etc... National Park The Low Tatras is truly a paradise for hiking lovers who can look forward to unforgettable views. Here in Liptov, you can create a selfie that will be worth it.

Points of interest in the area


V Chalupe Riviéra sa môžete tešiť na skvelú dovolenku v príjemnom rodinnom prostredí s pohodovou atmosférou. Apartmány majú veľkú záhradu, kde môžete odpočívať a Vaše deti sa v pohode môžu hrať. Pre Vaše najmenšie deti máme pieskoviská, šípky, bedminton, hojdačky či malú aj veľkú trampolínu. Pokiaľ Vás prepadne hlad, môžete určite využiť pripravený gril. Celú hostinu môžete nachystať v našom altánku, či na terase, kde je v letnom období super príjemné posedenie.

Parkovanie áut u nás nemusíte riešiť. Je pre Vás pripravené osvetlené parkovisko. Viac informácií  po kliknutí obrázka nižšie.


Liptovské Sliače - Vyšný
Ul. Veselá č.d. 1814/1
Ružomberok 034 84
Tel.: +421 907 446 810 / +421 908 / 519 405